Born Again Aquarist

Apr 10, 2005
Alta Vista Kansas
Aquariumist newbee needs advice

I recently aquired a 55 gallon aquarium from a friend of mine who had it for 3 weeks and decided he didnt like it. The last time i had an aquarium was when I was 15. It was a 25 gallon aquarium with angel fish (and neons wich for some reason got along just fine even though now Iv read that this is a bad idea). Im thinking about setting up the new 55 gallon aquarium for angel fish, but I want other fish in there as well and could use some suggestions. As far as equipment gose, I currently have a 55 gallon aquarium that will alow me aproximately 55 inches of fish,will be getting 2 5 gallon buckets to put treated water for water changes and useing a current one to empty old water into and throw out,a sucky manual syphon wich sucks in so many ways, a 300 wat heater, a light system with the lights as two seperate light bulbs though I do plan to eventually switch to one that is just one continuous light, a net, and will soon be purchaseing an emperor 400 filter. What I want to know is, If I get 3 angel fish, what other types of fish can I safely put in with them (and no the angel fish wont be put in first since Iv heard they dont do well in new tanks)? do I apsolutly have to go with real plants or may I use fake ones instead? what kind of food is realy good for them (and suggested tank mates)? What would be a verry bad idea to put in with them? Etc etc. prety much any advice will do. Or let me know atleast if im on the right track. Thanks! *PEACE!*

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Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
tiger barbs and nippy fish would be bad. No african cichlids, and many of the CA and SA cichlids aren't good. Discus would work, but they are really expensive.

Loaches and cories and a pleco would be good bottom feeders. My clown loach has a nasty habit of nibbling on my angel's tail, but this isn't all that common.

Black skirt tetras and other larger non-aggressive tetras would be good for a shoal.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Some people say that angels will be OK if they "grow up together" but others say the angels will eventually eat the neons. It's up to you if you want to take the risk. I keep livebearers with my angels (swordtails and platies), which seems to work out well, although I usually don't have livebearer fry survive (but it does happen).

As for plants, you don't have to have real ones. Many people think fish prefer them, but they are quite a lot of work.