Both Betta's died


New Fish
Jul 26, 2009
I had a beautiful Male for about four months, doing great! I decided to get him a girlfriend, she was healthy and happy when I brought her home. The tank consists of 5 Harliquin Rasbora, a couple Cory's, a Khuli loach and a Algae eater.
I checked in on them as I always do before retiring for the evening and they both seemed fine. Draco was swimming around like normal and came to the glass to see me.
In the morning he was all raggy looking and patches on his body, not looking good at all. I separated him immediately. I had to go to work but called a friend of mine to go get some medicine for what looked like Fin Rot, but that quickly?????!!!!! By the time I got home 4 hours laters he was dead.
The female looked great just a couple days after his death. I went to a nite class, came home, she was dead. Looked the same as the male. All the other fishes are doing fine!!! What happened to my fin friends. I was very attached to the male. I hope someone can maybe tell me what could've happened. I have another male Betta in a different tank and he is doing great still. Even in this heat wave that we are having.
Thanks in advance.*SICK*


Large Fish
Apr 29, 2009
The female could have attacked him. It's really not wise to put both sexes together unless you plan on spawning them. Females can be just as aggressive as males. Especially towards eachother if they aren't compatible, as far as mating goes. They should only ever be together to mate anyway. And even then the female is taken out as soon as she is done laying the eggs.

As for the female it could have been fin rot or she got attacked by the other fish. Fin rot can set in very quickly. My boyfriends betta lost almost all of his fins within 2 days. It can be a very aggressive illness.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I agree, fin rot can be super fast moving. You may want to medicate the tank with melafix anyway just in case, at the very least have some of it on hand for when you see something like this.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Thats not entirely true Bob ;) Just cuz its called finrot doesn't mean it only affects fins...its just that the fins are so easily damaged because they are somewhat fragile so they go first. When it starts affecting the body we call it body rot...


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
You can't house a male and female betta together. Apparently they fought and he was the first to succumb to his injuries. Whenever people breed bettas they leave them together just long enough to spawn. Google betta mating and you will understand the process better. She could have had some injuries too and succumbed to finrot from the stress. It's a really, really good idea to research your fish before adding any other fish to the tank. Is it a 10gallon?


Large Fish
Apr 29, 2009
You can't house a male and female betta together. Apparently they fought and he was the first to succumb to his injuries. Whenever people breed bettas they leave them together just long enough to spawn. Google betta mating and you will understand the process better. She could have had some injuries too and succumbed to finrot from the stress. It's a really, really good idea to research your fish before adding any other fish to the tank. Is it a 10gallon?
I second that. Male bettas do not need "girlfriends". And unless you're ready to house 50+ baby bettas I suggest not putting another female and male together.


Medium Fish
Jul 15, 2009
As everyone said housing a male and female in the same tank is a no-no. If you want bettas together then I suggest getting a 10+ gallon tank and putting 4 female bettas. Do some research just in case (If you actually want to do this) but I'm almost positive the pecking order needs 4 exactly. Good Luck with your fish though.