Botias in general


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2004
Visit site
hey guys! I just bought 2 zebra botias, and put them in a tank w/ driftwood and plants. now the slightly bigger one chases the other botia around all day long! i don't know what to do? i also had a skunk botia and he was really agressive to them and all my cories, and chased them all away from the driftwood:( . and hes half the size of the zebras. So i placed the skunk w/ my kubotai botia and they were thrashing and chasing each other around! So now i'm scared of having more than one botia in a tank. :mad: Thanks


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Botias will do that. Zebras and Yo-yo's seem to chase more than other botias such as Clowns. They could be establishing a pecking order, or maybe they just like to chase each other around. My Yo-yo's do this all the time, but they are in great shape and are both growing well. I don't think you should worry too much. If you notice that one is significantly outgrowing the other, then you might either add more to distribute the aggression or get rid of the smaller one altogether. Also, skunk botias can get downright mean and cause damage to other fish. Be wary of him!


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Yeah, skunk loaches are pretty well known for being nippy and aggressive. Most botias do a lot better in a group of 3 or more, as they like to hang out in a pack. A single botia of one species isn't generally happy, although they will sometimes shoal with other types of botia. I would suggest another one or two zebras, and kubotais are also happier in a group.

The other thing to do is make sure you have enough hiding places for everyone. Most groups of botias will stake out their own little cave/hidey spot. If there aren't enough, they tend to get a bit territorial over the ones that are there.

A lot of people say not to have cories and botias together. I think some will be OK, but obviously that didn't work with the skunk loach. That may also be a cave/territory thing.