Bottled tank water


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I am setting up a new 10g tank.  I have a power filter, heater, and hood with lights.  I will be using standard aquarium gravel and decorations.  I've read several books, and this website and understand cycling a new tank, setting up a tank, and how to add fish slowly at first.  My questions is in regards to the water I use to fill the tank.  I have well water and it is high in iron.  It is softened to help keep it in control but I still ocasionally have problems with rust stains.  I tried filling a kiddie pool once and the next day the water was red.  I would like to fill my tank with bottled drinking water or something similar.  Is this ok to do?  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.



What I do is buy Reverse Osmosis water in 5G bottles and then you can add the nessecary minerals to it. You can buy these at pet stores and for a 10G, it would not be that expensive. Dont buy the cheapest additives though. My experience has been that you get what you pay for. Good luck!