Bottom feeders


Small Fish
Aug 10, 2005
Is there a "rule of thumb" on how many bottom feeders you should have to the size of your tank or how many fishes you have in your tank?

May 9, 2005
West Haven, CT
"rule of thumb" is dangerous!! If you are looking into keeping a certain bottom feeder you should consider if it is a schooling fish, and get at least 6 to create a school. If you don't have a bottom feeder in mind, you might consider what you have for other fish and what bottom feeder would fit into the tank (with the bio load in mind).

Bottom feeders help because they eat the non-poo debris, and they stir up the poo and help it along to the filter (perhaps). So you want to keep that in mind when deciding how many. As far as it being a rule of thumb, then you get into mythy-waters, and myths can get you into trouble (ie, inch gallon rule).

Anyway that is my best advice.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
No real rule (and like Lisa says, rules of thumb can be dangerous). Some tanks don't have any bottom feeders. I happen to like bottom feeders, so I probably have more than I really should. They won't eat poo, so you don't need a certain number to clean up after a given number of fish.

Look into a particular bottom feeder before you get it-some may grow too big for the tank, some need to be in groups to stay happy, some will fight with others of the same species.


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Hello, I'm new and saw your post. Just thought I'd add to what's been said above.

I have a 40gal tank with 3 algae eaters, 3 upside down catfish and a pleco (which I am thinking of getting ride of)

As has been said in the post just above mine. Consider the size that the bottom feeders may grow to be and the amount of waste they might produce. With pleco's have have been told that when they get to a certain size they can be kind of lazy and they'll only eat what they need to maintain a certain size. They also produce lots of waste and don't always "clean" everything in the tank.

My algae eaters and upside down catfish on the other hand should grow very large (the algae eaters'll probably get to about 2 to 3 inches), and they don't produce alot of waste.

Anyway I hope that's a help, if anyone dissagrees with me please correct me.