Bought live rock that was not cured


Small Fish
Feb 21, 2005
New liverock fiasco

We'll yesterday I go to one of the LFS that I frequent and purchased another 15 pounds of LR to add to my 120. This LR had been at the LFS for about 3-4 weeks, I asked to insure that this LR was cured as i've been keeping an eye on a couple of pieces that were the right shapes to build a cave and an overhang that I was planning. I placed it in our 10 gallon Q tank and no spikes in it. We'll in short I discovered the hard way that the LR was not fully cured. I lost my Flame angel, 1 Black Perc and a large Green BTA so far. I did a 40% water change, added another 30 pounds of cured LR, 2 packages of Biospira and added a kent's nitrate sponge to try and get the levels down.
The levels are at:
PH = 8.1
Temp = 79
Nitrate = 8 ppm
Nitrite = .25
Ammo. = .25

And it's gettinig worse the levels are getting a little better after all of those steps but everyone is breathing really hard. Anyone have any advice for me?
The Owner of the LFS said that he'd replace any fish and inverts that I've lost, which however nice still I can't stand to sit here and let my pets die.

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Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Was the live rock in the qt with all that other live srock? im kinda confused. If not, how long was it in there. After 4 weeks it should be cured enough...And even if its not, you probably have a lot of live rock already that would of removed ammonia and nitirite...anyways sorry about the loss...and good thing you have a nice LFS.

Now to the question, what other fish do you have? If not a lot, why not puit them in the qt? Basically two options, remove the remaining live stock until conditions improve, or wait it out.


Small Fish
Feb 21, 2005
I moved all the new LR within 8 hours to the 10 gallon QT. I have about 100 pounds of LR in the 120 gallon as I was hoping that removing it quickly would spare my other fish and anemone's.
Current live stock are:
1 - PixieHawk
1 - Black perc
1 - True perc
2 - yellow head gobies
1 - Naso Tang
1 - scooter Blenny
2 - cleaner shrimp
a few turbo snails, hermit crabs and 2 sifter stars
had to beautiful Green BTA's on either side of the tank
2 feather dusters
1 sebae anemone

They are really nice and have always taken good care of us but as I type this it looks as though both my BTA's are going to fall apart. We've also spent about 5 grand or so there in the last year and they know that I plan on upgrading my reef tank to a 240 gallon like my stingray tank.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
with 100# all ready in the 120 it seems improbable (i never say impossible) that the die off from 15# would have had any effect on water quality at all. are you sure something else didn't die where you can't see it and caused this problem?


Small Fish
Feb 21, 2005
I didn't think it was probable the only thing that we've been missing was a 1 1/2 inch Bi color angel, we, went as far as taking all of the LR that had holes in them out to look for her/him but never found it. The LR was only in the tank 6 - 8 hours, before my girlfriend called me up to let me know that the levels were elevated. from the zero's that they were previously at. The reason that I thought it was the LR is it had a sulfur smell or rotten eggs. One of my BTA's just bit the dust :mad:


Small Fish
Feb 21, 2005
Not sure it was open and fine until about 6 hours after we noticed the spikes in levels, I just lost BTA #2 :(, i'm going to see if the LFS has a tank that I can bring my other fish to until I get this dropped as a last ditch effort.