??? bout something I bought


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I have a really nice looking brownish, golden colored toadstools in the tank and I have been looking to get one of those green colored toadstools to counter it on the other side of the tank, but had no luck finding one in my local area. I told the LFS man a few months ago what I wanted. Anyway I went into the store about a month ago and he had two and I bought the smaller one on the two for $39, the smaller one looked better that the bigger one, but neither one of them were opened all the way, just a few (don't know what U call them) of the green hairy thinks coming out of the top of the stool. The stalk of the toadstool is I guess, 4 inches around from the base to the top and at the top it flares out a bit, not much, to form the top of the toadstool. It moltes its skin off every few days and then only a few of the green hairy things come out until it molts again. I read somewhere that to frag a toadstool, you cut pieces off of the top of the toadstool, so I am wondering if what I bought is a Green Toadstool that has been fraged to where most of the top has been cut away and that what my toadstool is going to have to do is regrow its top? Anybody have any thoughts on this?


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I figured that, when I got the TS that I have now, it took awhile to open also. The thing that had me wondering was, that the base or stalk of the TS that I already had, the nice one, is the same size as the stalk of the new green TS that I bought, but the top of the new one is no way close to the size of the top on the brown one, not even close. Thats why I was wondering if it might have been cut off and fraged and then they sold me the stalk of the new one. I have looked on line and they sell thses green TS for around $70 for a small one and the stalk of the one I got at the LFS is large (very) and should have sold for alot more than the $39 I paid. Just had me wondering. It will be nice if it ever opens, I think.