bowl ideas

Nov 5, 2009
i have a 1-1.5 (not really sure) gallon bowl current housing 2 goldfish. its only temporary, they'l be moved to a tank in june, so back off goldfish police*SUPERSMIL

ANYWAY, i'm going to have this big bowl lying around and i've been trying to think of things that could live a healthy life in it. all i'm really coming up with is maybe a few shrimp. anybody else have any ideas? what about like a little crayfish or something?

Dec 14, 2009
A planted shrimp bowl may be an option, i definately DO NOT recommend that a sparkling gourami or a crayfish of any sort is kept in a bowl, it simply doesnt have the space to provide correct filtration, heating and oxygenating components aswell as enough space for the fish to live happily. Goodluck with the shrimp bowl, which i think is the only sensible idea for a bowl.

Apr 25, 2011
Austin, TX
IDK what your local shop has as far as shrimp go, you could get some real cool CRS or Bees and do some micro plants and moss... At the LFS they have one with tiny little guppies.
Sorry about the sparkling gourami thing, I just really want some so I'm telling everyone to get them lol