box fish


Small Fish
Aug 5, 2009
longford, ireland
i am looking for any information regarding bow fish and cow fish.
i have a black spotted bowfish (female) and want to purchase a long horned cow fish soon..

I think they should be grand together, but im am worried about the deadly sustances they let out when stressed.. or even should one die.

is this something i should worry about, ..
also should one die how long would i have to get it out of the tank before it wiped out the whole tank... just asking as i leave the house very early in the morning and return quiet late... would hate to find the whole tank dead on my return..

any info or previous experiance would be a big help


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
A big, big tank is the first thing. Those guys get to around 18 inches (45cm).

From what I understand, if the fish dies and you don't get it out within a few minutes, your tank will be toast. Apparently, it's not common for them to get stressed to the point of releasing chemicals, but you will have to take care when doing tank maintenance that they don't freak out.

I love those guys when they're small, and looked into the possibility. They're not nearly as cute when they get to full size.