Boy did i mess up.


New Fish
Jun 14, 2011
I need help, so if anyone can point me in the right direction i would really appreciate it. i have 36 gallon freshwater tank and all my fish (11 each) have died, yet i think i know why. I purchased a castle and 2 of the fish kept getting stuck in it due to the way the mould was set. So i figured no biggie, I'll silicone the holes, i let the silicone sit for 3 days before putting it back in the tank, and the morning after all my fish were floating. i checked the levels and everything was good the night before. Then it hit me, it must have been the the type of silicone i used, i did use clear, but it was kitchen and bath, so i murdered all my fish, so now my question is, if remove the silicone from the castle (if possible) or just remove the castle itself, and remove ALL the water and start over, will the tank be okay, or do i need to be more drastic than that. Can someone one please help, i have no fish and a very angry wife.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
darn, sorry about all your fish. yes it is likely that you needed to use aquarium-safe silicone. normal LFS sell this if you ask in the fish department.
This calls for washing everything including the tank and gravel/decor/ filter with water and i think bleach as well. after that you will need to soak everything with dechlorinator a few times. basically you have to start over if you think that a chemical in the silicone wiped out all your fish and also likely all of your bacteria(the reason you cycled your tank).

Lets see what other experienced members say about this issue, because personally I have not experienced such a situation, and my advice may be off :(


New Fish
Jun 14, 2011
darn, sorry about all your fish. yes it is likely that you needed to use aquarium-safe silicone. normal LFS sell this if you ask in the fish department.
This calls for washing everything including the tank and gravel/decor/ filter with water and i think bleach as well. after that you will need to soak everything with dechlorinator a few times. basically you have to start over if you think that a chemical in the silicone wiped out all your fish and also likely all of your bacteria(the reason you cycled your tank).

Lets see what other experienced members say about this issue, because personally I have not experienced such a situation, and my advice may be off :(
thank you for that insight. As of now the tank is down, and i'm gonna clean it. i have 3 pet stores in my area, and they all say the samething ........ just empy tank rinse the two tress i have in tank, and remove castlle completely, well 2 stores say remove regardless if i can pull silicone out or not, and the other store says nah its okay to put back as long as i remove the silicone and replace with correct silicone because the correct silicone will cover up the other stuff..... not sure if that sounds right, and they all said no need to pull rocks out as long as i empy completely and when i put new water in and do the water conditioning it should be all good, as well as replace the filter cartlidge and as long as my levels show good, which has me puzzled casue the levels showed good when the fish died.


Superstar Fish
Kitchen and Bath Silicone is anti-bacterial so it will not allow your beneficial bacteria to grow on it. I am not sure if it would kill all or any more existing beneficial bacteria beside at the area you put it on. If that castle thing had time to build a good bacteria base and you removed it this could have cause your tank to cycle and spike the ammonia level. I would guess your tank cycled if the castle had been in there long enough to build a good colony of bacteria, just a guess. Either way I would get rid of the new castle just to be sure and start over. I would get what water you can out of it by vacuuming it, refill with dechlorinated water so you do not kill the beneficial bacteria that is left. You could then get a couple hardy starter fish and wait out the cycle.


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2011
You have to completely take out everything & clean it totally, all rocks, everything & bin that castle!
Basically it was the silicone (you know that) it would be like shutting you in a garage & getting you to inhale exhaust fumes , thats what it did to the tank water. Its horrible dangerous stuff, such a shame for you & your fish, clean everything Im not sure what Id use to get rid of it but you can try natural cleaners, salt, etc & make sure you fill & stand & refill & stand the tank with dechloranator before setting it up again. Sorry but i think it'd be best to cycle from scratch as any benificial bacteria media may be compramised. (this includes all filtration & filter when cleaning) It is a little extreme but I wouldn't want to take a chance. Monitor all levels like a hawk & get your water frequently tested aespecially before restocking & start with one fish so you dont have a mass death.Good luck