Brachardi, just wondering....


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Most accounts you will find on the internet will state as offen as every two weeks. There is a difference between spawning, and actualy having viable eggs. I belive that my pair have spawned many, many times, however I have only gotten two spawns to yeild any fry. I belive the age of the pair has a lot to do with successful spawns.

Do you know for sure that you have a pair? How long have you had them?


Large Fish
Jul 15, 2004
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Yes I know they are a pair because about 2 months ago they laid eggs and they all hatched, and are getting bigger. I'm just wondering because I have about 45-50 babies and the 2 parents in a 29gal. Kinda worried about them having more because I'm not sure if they have enough room for more babies. They only use half of the tank now, but like I said, I'm not sure if there's enough room for more.
Thanx for the fast response.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Great to hear about the fry you already have.

If the tank gets too crowded, the pair will just either lay fewer eggs, or start to cull some of the younger ones on there own. In the wild they live in very densly populations, so I would imagine that they will allow quite a bit before they will worry or act upon it.

A word of advice however. If you have any intention on raising many of the fry, it would be wise to do so in a seperate tank. I have found that the young will become very teritorial when a little older. The eldest of my fry are only 5 months old and are little terrors. I have 4 in with the parents, and they are not so bad with picking on each other as the others are who are in there own tank. I have 9 others in a 20L, and they are already becomeing amazingly teritorial, and begining to be brutal to some of the weaker siblings.

As I said, the ones still with the parents are not near as bad as the ones on there own, so perhaps the parents keep those in line and therefore there aggresion is not as bad.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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IME it was every 3 or 4 weeks, but the spawns did get progressively larger even though their tank was getting saturated. They will easily take over a 29 - what else is in there with them? I would develop a strategy for dealing with all the fry pretty urgently. Do you have another tank that you could feed them to, otherwise remove unwanted spawns early and euthanise by clove oil overdose. Be prepared for the parents to be reasonably upset by you removing the young, this might put pressure on the pair bond and lead to squabbling or even fighting.


Large Fish
Jul 15, 2004
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Thanks for all the advise. There is nobody else in the tank with them, just the babies (I hate calling them fry) and the mom and dad. I do have a empty 20gal and 10gal. I don't want to get rid of any of the babies until they are adults, because I love them so much. I am just so fasinated by the way they are being raised. I could sit there for hours just watching them. I have no idea what I'm gonna do with them when they do get bigger, I guess get a hold of a fish store and see what they say. I definitly can't kill them,(no matter how it's done, I just couldn't do it)
Again, thanks for the advise and info.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
With luck you can find a LFS like mine who are more than willing to buy the extra fry. I got $2 each for some that were around 1in. Store credit will add up over time.

I could sit and watch mine for hours on end. We had some family over last night and they were just captivated by the way the adults and sub adults interacted with the fry. He said that he never knew fish could or would act like that.

Good Luck with what you decide Jeanna!