Braggin' bout my Blue Gourami

I was looking at my tank, and realized had a yardstick handy. I now know my blue has a 4" body, and about 4 1/2" total counting his tail. He is a big, beautiful fish. He was also my first fish. And he was only $1.89! lol. Anyone else have any cool fish they wanna brag about?


Large Fish
Mar 10, 2003
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Yeah speaking of bragging.....we bought 4 silver dollas for £5 in march.......and they are approx 5in now. seen them in other fish stores and they cost up to £4 each!
Bargain I'd say and they are beautiful. I love the way they always stick together.:D


Oct 26, 2003
Toronto Canada
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Sexing dwarf Gouramis- (for dude with the unsexed blue dwarf)

Mostly, females are colorless (grey) or have only a slight dull yellow/brown pattern. There are some reports of colored females in the powder blue morph so here's how to be sure

Female Colisas behave very differently from males, but that is the hard way to tell.

The easy way is to look at the anal fin (the one just under the "tail" or caudal fin) if the tip has a very bulgy, pronounced rounded edge, almost like a sphere, that pops out from the fin, its a female. Males have a bulgy rounded edge too but it is much less pronounced

Still not sure? Females are always out and about, searching, foraging, and having a good time. males tend to hide behind a plant and just kind of stay out of the way. They are also slower to come to the surface to feed.

STILL not sure? Get a male (just go with another morph so you can be sure its male- remember, the others have plain females!) and put it in there. If your current fish goes up to it and starts feeling it with its feelers and trying to get its attention, you have a female. And if your new male likes it, he will turn sideways and do a little dance where he wiggles his body. Its quite entertaining.

On the other hand. If they both do the little dance, then bite eachother, they are males. Only the male will dance. If the other fish is female it will just watch.

Oct 26, 2003
Toronto Canada
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PS= if you were talking about a blue three spot gourami (trichogaster) then its dead easy. Females have a round dorsal fin. Males have a long pointy one that trails for about an inch or two on an adult. The females fin does not trail at all.


Large Fish
Aug 13, 2003
Norwalk, CT
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Originally posted by pablo111

Still not sure? Females are always out and about, searching, foraging, and having a good time. males tend to hide behind a plant and just kind of stay out of the way. They are also slower to come to the surface to feed.

Well, my gourami must be very confused, or is just a female that LOOKS like a male. Mine is always swimming around, and never hides. Also, he often bullies the other fish at feeding time. HMM.