Brand new need help

Nov 24, 2010
So I have a 28 g tank I got from pet store made for fresh water so I want to start a salt water tank so want to know everything I need to buy and what kind of fish to do. I am going to do fish but no coral. Thanks for any help you can give because it will be pu to good use.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I don't know to much about small tanks but there are those in here that do and they will chime in with their expert advice. This is what I would do if I were you: First I would read all of the stickys at the top of the saltwater section in this forum. Then I would go buy a good saltwater book for more reading. Now this is the part of "if I were you" I would try and get my money back on the tank you bought and I would try to find a small complete system for sale. People are always up grading in this hobby and also getting out of this hobby, and most of the time you can find a complete system for around $400.00. This will get you started with everything you will need, not cost alot of money in case you decide this hobby isn't for you. If you decide to go this route, before you buy, let the pros know what you are getting in the system and they can guide you a bit. I am not trying to talk you out of a small tank here (don't get me wrong, I am just saying) Saltwater is a bit differant than fresh. In saltwater the ones with the smaller tanks are usually the experts, its hard to keep a small tank. On the plus side, you want to keep fish only, that makes it a bit easier. What kind of fish do you want to keep, the smaller the tank, the less fish you can keep, will they get along with the other fish you want, will they grow to big for the tank you have. Lots to read up on. There are some pretty smart people in this forum, before you buy anything ask them first, they will get you on the right path, they did for me and I still messed up alot.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
right, just read up a LOT first. dont be afraid of small tanks though. if you are up to the challenge then I say go for it if you dont want to upgrade down the road. There are people who start their first experience with sub 10 gallon tanks. its pretty amazing what crazy stuff people think up of to keep their system going.(I started with a 3 gallon SW tank, but i'm no expert).

The point is, a 28 gallon tank will have much more stability than a 3 gallon tank and a 70 gallon tank will be even more stable and the larger you go the more room for newbish error (within reason).

Basically if you wanted to get a start on your 28 gal right now and you decided that you are going to run with it, What you need are the following things:
Good salt mix
Source of RO or DI water. Tap water is mostly for trouble. though for a FOWLR setup its not as detrimental.
Quality heater
Quality powerhead(s) to move water around. no need for filter.
Quality Live rock.
Base rock
Aragonite sand (or live sand if you dont care about saving money. if you get live rock you wont REALLY need LS)
Some sort of light. doesnt have to be fancy T5 or anything like that.
Liquid Test Kit(API makes a good SW one)

With the rock you should use 1-1.5 lbs per gallon. This means a lot of money on LR. but you dont have to get all LR. 50%50% split between live rock and base rock will save you some money. the live rock will eventually seed the base rock and the aragonite sand with bacteria during your cycling period.

Right that should be it then, have fun researching! SW is a very fun world!