breeder tank cloudy


Small Fish
Mar 6, 2006
New Berlin, WI

I setup a 10 gal tank to put my molly in because she looked ready to have her babies. I transfered the water from my main 75 gal tank and hooked up the filter, and put the molly in it. Within HOURS the tank was becoming cloudy (yellowish). I let the filter work over night but it was getting worse so I added some Clear Water from Jungle and removed the carbon from the filter. The water did clear up (but not crystal clear) however it killed my molly! Not a happy camper here.
What the heck happened? I don't understand why this water became cloudy; also I have been unable to keep my 75 gal clear since day 1; it's been about 1 1/2 months since initial setup and I have 2 filters running (2215 Eheim and a Whipser 60)
I have well water and the Ph is about 7.8-8.0
Nitrate/nitrite levels are within range. In fact my angles just layed eggs in there.
What am I doing wrong??? I feel like a murderer of my poor molly :(


Small Fish
Mar 6, 2006
New Berlin, WI
I do water changes as I see the water becoming cloudy and gravel dirty, usually once a week taking out 20-30%. My Ph now is 8.4 so I add a little reducer (1/2 dose). I also noticed that since I introduced a few more live plants, the algae has exploded again. My filters are new, established 1 1/2 months ago when I setup the tank, and only changed the filters once last weekend. Yes I only syphoned 9 gal into the 10 gal tank. Additives are Start Right and Stress Coat when doing water changes.