Breeders for a 10gal


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
I got this 10gal layin around, and I havnt bred any cichlids as of late (intentionally) Also, I have a female krib in with my Severum. So I think I want to breed my female krib because she is REALLY nice, awesome looking fish. So if I wanted to breed her, how would I go about getting a male for her? I dont want to make it into a forced pair, because well...we've seen from other peoples posts that that usually doesnt work out in the long run. So should I get two males, plop them in the 10gal with the female and wait to see who pairs first? Any suggestions would be great.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
You can't force a pair really. Ultimatly its up to the fish.

What else can you do? Get her on dating websites? Just gotta get males till she pairs up. If you can can react quick to any problems 2 males MIGHT work out, but what happens if 2 males stake out territory and neither accept the female? She is then stuck in the middle and things won't be good. Personally i'd just get 1 male at a time until it happens.

Its hard pairing adult fish no matter what species...especially in a small tank.