breeding angels????? help me help the eggs please

:confused: i only just got my angels a couple of weeks ago i come in today and they have laid eggs all over my heater they are in a tank with gouramis, black ghost knife, pleco, rainbows, albino corys, and a silver shark i have just put a big net over them to stop other fish from eating them. Will they hatch????

Feb 27, 2009
The parents need to tend them for them to hatch. It is not unusual for a female to lay eggs but the male to not fertilize them, so they would not hatch in that case.

What sized aquarium are these fish in? You have some huge fish in there!

The male angel did fertilize well thats what it looked like? late lastnight i put a net over the eggs thismorning i came out there is hundreds off eggs only 5 white ones (dead) i got some info off the net and youtube. my tank is a 6ft tank approx 400+liters my friend made it for me most my fish are only babies still but big enough to not be eaten by the black ghost knife who is about 25-30cm and pleco is approx 40cm

Feb 27, 2009
late lastnight i put a net over the eggs thismorning i came out there is hundreds off eggs only 5 white ones (dead)
The white ones will become fungused and it will spread to the live eggs if you do not manually remove them or allow the parents to do so. The eggs must be fanned by the parents or an airstone nearby to provide continuous water flow.

most my fish are only babies still but big enough to not be eaten by the black ghost knife who is about 25-30cm and pleco is approx 40cm
A carnivorous fish like the knife that hunts at night and uses electricity to find its prey will make quick snacks of your angel fry if they do hatch.

This is my net hatchery over the top of the heater i have removed the white eggs myself and have put a airstone in there when or if the eggs hatch they will be in the hatchery then i can move them to another tank. well sounds good but weather it will work or not is another story its my 1st time with angels so still learning i have only managed to breed livebearing fish, danios, golden bristlenose catfish so far kinda new to the fish world

Oct 3, 2010
Detriot Mi
just a update my silver shark managed to get into the net and eat the eggs but about 2 weeks later they tried again this time i put a sheet of glass and divided them from the rest of the tank most eggs hatched and im now feeding them parents are doing a great job cant wait for them to start looking like there parents :) thanks guys