Breeding cichlids in a 10g?


Small Fish
Jul 26, 2007
Cincinnati / Toronto
Hi all,

My cousin has a 10g setup for her classroom. And was looking to get some fish, intially I think she was thinking live bearers. However, once she heard about my HRP's breeding and parental care in cichlids etc. she was all excited about getting a pair of cichlids.

Can anyone suggest cichlids that could be bred in a 10g?

I have rainbows and HRPs that I can give her but I think a 10g would be way too small for rainbows. I have 2 pairs of HRPs that seem to have paired off, no spawn yet but they're definitely opposite sex and seem to be courting etc. They're small though, between 1.5" and 2.0". Would those work in a 10g?

I'm pretty sure convicts would work but from what I hear it's going to be a real problem getting rid of the fry and they multiply like rabbits.




Superstar Fish
Oct 7, 2005
Essex, England
I think convicts might work but she could get kribs (kribensis). Very colourful fish, easy to care for and easy to breed.
Im pretty sure if you dont want to raise the fry the parents will just eat them when they are ready to spawn again.

found this really cool vid of kribs and their babies (scroll down) Kribensis Cichlid


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Absolutely not convicts. These fish easily reach about 6". Totally unsuitable for a 10gal tank.

The only thing I'd recommend is maybe one pair of the smaller Lake Tang shellies or multis. I've heard that breeding pairs of rams and apistos are not suited to 10gal tanks. Just one of either species with some community tropical fish would be okay.