before we get too far on this how big is your tank.breeding dovii need 250-350 gallons,athought bigger is better.dovii are the king of big mean tough as they come cichlids.which means that there can only be the most hardy tankmates.males are known to turn on the female after spawning,but they can also form pairs and perform parental care.they also shed a slime much like discus and oscars to supplement the fry.i can't seem to find the form that they breed in but i would assume they are mouthbrooders.also it is observed that hypsophrys nicarguense will pair up and tend to dovii fry,presumably for the protection from the mother dovii.most important is that these fish need big tanks.if you don't plan to get the 300 gallon tank needed you should return the fish,dovii's get to about 30"