Breeding dwarf gouramis - question

Dec 14, 2009
hello all,

i was wondering if anyone knows how i can breed my dwarf gouramis ??
if anybody has any ideas please let me know :)


breeding dwarf gourami's


You can breed Dwarf Gourami's in captivity if you are prepared to work a little to induce breeding. Sexing the Dwarf Gourami is easy since a healthy, mature male is extremely colourful and the females have a much duller color pattern. Dwarf Gouramis build a bubblenest and currents are therefore not recommended in the aquarium since they may disturb or damage the nest so a sponge filter is recommended. The nests are very pretty and elaborately built.

To induce the breeding, you should lower your water level to no more than 1 6-8 inches, and increase the water temperature to 82.5 – 86° degrees F. This will duplicate the dry season in the Dwarf Gouramis natural wild enviornment . Feed your Dwarf Gouramis plenty of live food if available or if not lots of frozen blood worms, brine shrimp, etc. The aquarium must be a planted one, since the male Dwarf Gourami includes plant parts, in his bubblenest. Examples of acceptable plant species are Ceratopteris thalictroides, Limnophila aquatica,Riccia fluitans and Vesicularia dubyana. Peat fibre is also known to be effective.

When the bubblenest is completed, the male will start courting the female. This will typically happen during the later afternoon or in the evening. The male will swim around near the female while flaring his fins. He will then try to lure her to his bubblenest. If the female accepts the male and is ready to spawn, she will swim in circles below the bubblenest. When she is ready to release her eggs, she will touch the male on his back or on his tail with her mouth. The male will then embrace her and turn her first on her side, and then onto her back. The female will now release her eggs and the male will fertilize them. There are usually around 60 eggs in one batch. The eggs float and will be placed in the bubblenest by the male and with any luck you will soon be the proud owner of a bunch of baby Gourami. *BOUNCINGS*BOUNCINGS*BOUNCINGS*BOUNCINGS [/B]

Feb 27, 2009

You can breed Dwarf Gourami's in captivity if you are prepared to work a little to induce breeding. Sexing the Dwarf Gourami is easy since a healthy, mature male is extremely colourful and the females have a much duller color pattern. Dwarf Gouramis build a bubblenest and currents are therefore not recommended in the aquarium since they may disturb or damage the nest so a sponge filter is recommended. The nests are very pretty and elaborately built.

To induce the breeding, you should lower your water level to no more than 1 6-8 inches, and increase the water temperature to 82.5 – 86° degrees F. This will duplicate the dry season in the Dwarf Gouramis natural wild enviornment . Feed your Dwarf Gouramis plenty of live food if available or if not lots of frozen blood worms, brine shrimp, etc. The aquarium must be a planted one, since the male Dwarf Gourami includes plant parts, in his bubblenest. Examples of acceptable plant species are Ceratopteris thalictroides, Limnophila aquatica,Riccia fluitans and Vesicularia dubyana. Peat fibre is also known to be effective.

When the bubblenest is completed, the male will start courting the female. This will typically happen during the later afternoon or in the evening. The male will swim around near the female while flaring his fins. He will then try to lure her to his bubblenest. If the female accepts the male and is ready to spawn, she will swim in circles below the bubblenest. When she is ready to release her eggs, she will touch the male on his back or on his tail with her mouth. The male will then embrace her and turn her first on her side, and then onto her back. The female will now release her eggs and the male will fertilize them. There are usually around 60 eggs in one batch. The eggs float and will be placed in the bubblenest by the male and with any luck you will soon be the proud owner of a bunch of baby Gourami. *BOUNCINGS*BOUNCINGS*BOUNCINGS*BOUNCINGS [/B]
Credit to original source: Dwarf Gourami