breeding golden bristlenose catfish??????

hey guys i want to start breeding my golden bristlenose catfish but dont really know where to start i have the male and the female in my community tank but do they need to be in there own tank?? i have caves a few of them um is that all i need for them? if anyone has any info they want to share it will be much appreciated *GOLDFISH*. Cheers

Dan Steveo

Large Fish
Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
Well said, That will show everything you need, In general bristlenoses are like the guppies of the pleco world.. they breed a lot easier than others..

THe right caves and good water quality should see some results in the future, They would be better in their own tank but should be ok in a community as long as there are no fish that could or would eat the fry, and powerful filters should have intakes covered with a sponge (like a fliter sponge adapted) to stop them being sucked in.

they like a good current but it's not 100% neccesary. I have 4 bristlenoses in my tank, they're all juveniles but growing really quickly, most likely within 3 months they'll be big enough. i researched a lot about breeding them and have not yet had the opportunity, perhaps this time they will take a liking to each other.

It's just a matter of time, unless you'rs don't 'like' each other.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
they really need to be fully mature so around 4" minimum (around a year old). pointing a power-head into their preferred cave will generally do the trick if they are ready to make you some babies ;)