breeding guppies for cichild food

Are guppies easy fish to breed? I would like to try since i know my jack dempsey, firemouth and electric blue love to eat them!

What do I need to do to get them to breed? And when they have fry, do i need to move them to another tank or bowl? What kind of setup do I need for the fry? Are there cheaper fish to getthat will breed easily instead? ANy help or sites would be of great help.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
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Mostly all livebearers are easy to breed. All you need is say a good 10 gallon tank, heater filter and pretty much set. U should seperate the parents from the fry or they will get eaten. Try to find ENDLERS they do not each their own fry and are very easy to breed ive heard. HTH

Jul 9, 2003
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the fry need a heater, but if it's warm where you are (like mid to high 70's) then you won't need one right now... just feed the fry crushed up flake food. or you can buy other food for them, but it's expensive and is not that much better than crushed flake food IMO