Breeding Guppies for Food?

I am thinking about using a 10 gallon I have to breed regular guppies as a high protein treat for my SW fish. Any reason not to do this? I figure anything in a SW tank will eat guppy fry, and they can survive for a reasonable amount of time in the tank. My plan is everytime I get a brood, remove the parents, feed the fry for a few days, then toss 'em in.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
not a great idea...actually not a good idea at all ... u dont wanna get your fish used to eating live food not to menton there not very nutritional


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
you could try raising your own brine shrimp and loading them with selcon and spirulina, other than that you could always have a pair of breeding clowns or cardinals that will spawn in your tank, the results are often consumed before you even know they have spawned.