Breeding help? First rare fish pair


Medium Fish
Aug 1, 2005
When I visited my local fish shop today, I was floored: I saw the most stunning mustard gas crown tail male betta, just sitting there, in a common fish store. We're talking s how quality. So of course I snatched him up! I want to breed him, I've had good luck with my more common longtail metallic blues. But the only suitable-colored female I have for him is a teal half-moon; can anyone guess the genetics?? I guess I won't know how te offspring will turn out until I try it ^-^ but my goal is to create more Mustardgas colors. Also, is there anything I should take into consideration when breeding crowntails? Should I be more careful about certain steps? ANY information would be helpful.

also, I'm one of those nutjobs who names her favorite bettas, any name suggestions for the mustardgas crowntail would be highly appreciated <3


Superstar Fish
What will you do with all of the offspring? Both in terms of longterm arrangements and housing while growing out?

Also, if you want to see some awesome bettas (and haven't been here before), go to and check out their gallery and stock shop.

As for what color offspring, again, go to:

Click on Betta Info and then Color chart.


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2004
Visit site
jus a little pointer for ya, crown tails don'[t seem to last so long after breeding, like iggy said, his died shortly after the spawn, mine died about 2 days after...but mine was a comon mixed colored ct urs is a mustard which is well over my $6 ct, so be aware that ur betta might not last so long, id keep him as a show fish, then a breeder, especially if its ur first time breeding


Medium Fish
Aug 1, 2005
Oh, wow. I hadn't even thought of that. Hmm. Definitely a thing to consider. I've never shown my fish before, plus I haven't a clue where they even hold these things in Orange County. Hehe. But I don't want to risk anything happening to the little guy. Maybe I'll breed her with my steel blue veil tail instead... I'm rather curious to see how that spawn would turn out, anyway. I have to think about this ><