Hey everyone! I was wondering you guy's could help me figure out what fish to breed next. I have the following: 4 Silver Dollars(Metynnis Hypsauchen), 2 Blue rams(Microgeophaugus Ramirezi), 2 Knight Gobies, 1 Golden ram(female, i will get like 3-4 more very soon*SUPERSMIL ), 2 Angels, Kribs(P. pulcher, i will also get 4-5 soon), 2 Black Skirt tetras, 1 phantom tetra(i think), 1 Swegles tetra, 1 Pepper Cory, 1 Panda cory, 1 Green Cory, 2 Julie cory's, 2 Golden gourami's, 2 Killies, and 2 Bettas, and they should be here soon, i ordered some (6-7) Xiphophorus Montezumae Swordtails*SUPERSMIL *BOUNCINGS*. What should i breed next?