Breeding Sparkling Gouramis


New Fish
Mar 23, 2004
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I've got 8 sparkling gourams. Just wondering if anyone here has tried to breed them? If so, how sucessfull was is. There isn't too much out there on them in general.

i know what you mean. sparkling gouramis are one of the more lovelier species that dont get all that well know. first, they must grow to their adult size, i forgot, it was somewhere around 1 1/2 -2 inches or something, then you must sex them. from the sites ive read, they say that you can sex them by putting a strong flashlight on the opposite side of the tank to see if any of them have ovaries or something, dont know how they look like. then, you will condition a selected pair, lower the tank water to 50% with no substrate. add a bunch of plants, some at the bottom, some floating, and you must wait for nature to happen. i dont really think their survival rates are high since there not really the ones recommended for first time gourami breeders...