Brilliant Idea


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2012
Walla Walla Washington
So I was wondering what to do with my fry (when they're born) to keep the mom from eating them until I move her to the 10g. I looked around on Google, and found the 'fry traps' that trap the babies. I decided to get smart and make something like this, but with the mother inside, instead.

See, my idea was to get a large, maybe 2 liter, bottle, and poke some breathe holes in it, like you would do for a fry trap. I would somehow get the mother in there, and have it pointed upside down in the tank. This way the babies would be born and fall out the hole, and the mother couldn't get out unless she swam straight down. I still need to figure out what to put on the opening so the babies could get out, but mamma couldn't.

So what do you guys think? Any questions, suggestions, or comments? Thanks!


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I think the mother would be very stressed out in a 2 liter bottle and either abort her fry or die. I personally wouldn't try it. I'm curious why you want fry so badly seeing as how you don't have the proper accommodations. Did you ever measure that tank?


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2012
Walla Walla Washington
Umm, no... *grins guiltily* It could be a 5.5 like you said.

I want fry because I've been trying to breed these fish for about a year now, and still nothing. I now have an extra 5.5 gal tank that I can put some in.

You're right, this bottle is too small. My original idea was to have a funnel beneath the mother so that when the babies were born they would fall through and not be eaten by her. Do you have any suggestions for something like this?


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Still no measurements? and now you think it is much smaller than a 10g and you still want to try to raise fish? GooGirl, IMO you still need to get your setup first and then worry about raising fish. Just breeding them to see the fry doesn't take care of the fry or what you will do with them should some of them survive, You need a definite plan. Friends may not be able to take them because obviously the equipment costs more than the fish - or you also would have more equipment - like a test kit. I am not being hard on you - I once wanted a horse, but that was the smallest part of the equation - it was all the other things to take care of the horse properly that added up. I did get a horse - in fact later had horses - so I know the cost of the animal is small compared to the upkeep.


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2012
Walla Walla Washington
If you guys aren't going to be supportive of me, whatever I choose to do, I might as well leave the forum! In every post I make, someone has something negative to say about it!

These are all of my available tanks:
1 10g
1 5.5g
1 mystery size bowfront (looks to be slightly smaller than the 10g)
1 55g (only being used by a hamster, but she could be moved to a cracked 10g)

Plus, I have successfully bred and raised mollies before. I am determined to do it again, no matter what 'space issues' I have.

*Sighs* I'm sorry. I've had a horrible week, and the first thing I wake up to is thyra's post. I have everything under control. With the amount of tanks and equipment, yes, but where's the fun in not making mistakes? I see your reasoning, but 2 mollies maximum in a 15g (as I've heard before) is a little overkill in my case. I think I need to make clearer that my mollies are only about an inch to one and a half inch long.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Making mistakes is not suppose to be fun - we are suppose to learn from them and not make them again and not sacrifice lives doing it. I am not trying to raise mollies but I have a pair in a ten gallon tank that was suppose to be my QT tank but for various reasons they have stayed there for probably three months. They are full size mollies and I see no activity that would lead me to believe the female is PG. How long have you had the pair you are trying to breed? Are they from the fry you had before? Mollies in the right environment grow rather quickly to full sizes, but I have noticed that "home grown" fry (for lack of a better word) frequently are stunted and never mature. Probably the breeders just culled the stunted ones out before marketing.


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2012
Walla Walla Washington
Yes, these are from the batch of like 35 that I had a while ago. They were born January 2012. They look just like their parents (especially the males who are the spittin' image of their father), in all ways, including the 'maturity'. But I'm still confused. The female looks pregnant, but she could end up like the last female who looked pregnant for several months before dying from that gravel-tube incedent. This one was with a male for quite a while before I finally seperated her.

I just remembered: sometimes with breeding siblings there can be 'side effects'. Would I have a problem with this?


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
If you guys aren't going to be supportive of me, whatever I choose to do, I might as well leave the forum!
Don't be so dramatic. Its just a forum about fish. Many more important things in the world.

In every post I make, someone has something negative to say about it!
Such is life. As you get older, you'll find that never changes.

Plus, I have successfully bred and raised mollies before. I am determined to do it again, no matter what 'space issues' I have.
Space issues ARE the hobby. You keep fish in accordance to your available space, be it physically or monetary.

*Sighs* I'm sorry. I've had a horrible week, and the first thing I wake up to is thyra's post. I have everything under control. With the amount of tanks and equipment, yes, but where's the fun in not making mistakes? I see your reasoning, but 2 mollies maximum in a 15g (as I've heard before) is a little overkill in my case. I think I need to make clearer that my mollies are only about an inch to one and a half inch long.
Googirl, Thyra's post was spot on. You need to start taking advice. The same issues keep comming up. We all know how big mollies are and we all have told you that you need more space. Personally I've never made a mistake that was 'fun'. I've learned from them... am still learning from them. If all you can logistically have is a 10 gallon or some mystery size tank then put the effort into making that one of the best tanks you've ever seen. Stock it lightly and make a good home for your fish. Maybe get some really cool plants and put effort into those. But the inconsiderate responses given to people who are only hear to help have got to stop. No one hear is paid to do this, we just have a common interest in seeing people successfully keep fish. Like I have said before... take advice, bad or good with an appreciative smile and a thank you.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
If you will give me the length, width and height of that bowfront I will try to figure the gallons for you. I have three bowfronts of various sizes. It might also be helpful if you would give me the width at the center in order to be more accurate.


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2012
Walla Walla Washington
Ok, here are the measurements for the tank:
Front: 16 inches bent, 16 1/4 inches straight.
Sides: 8 inches flat on each side.
Back: 13 inches, flat.
Just wrapping the measuring tape around the outside, it's 45 inches.
Height: 12 inches.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Measure straight across from the center of the back to the center of the front.

I think if you ignore the ones that make you mad you will not be learning. You need to be able to discuss the ones that make you mad so you understand why they were said. The bottom line here is no one is trying to make you mad. All of us are saying things to help you understand. We were all kids at one time and wanted to do things that adults said we couldn't. Sometimes they were trying to keep us from heart ache because they knew they didn't have the money to support the eventuality. (I once brought a dog home that was pregnant and we already had one pregnant dog) That was probably 60 years ago and the outcome of that still makes me very sad and kind of angry. The end result was I never let my kids have any cat or dog that could get pregnant. I don't think you work and I don't know your allowance, but I do know that the test kit, at minimum wage after take home pay would cost you about 4 or 5 hours of work.


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2012
Walla Walla Washington
OK, that measurement is about 9 1/2 inches.

I didn't really mean ignore, just not react as harshly. I've always had a quick temper, especially when I've had a bad day. Just know that I know that you guys are trying to help me, but my mind immediately says to reply to anything I don't agree with with a rude comment. I'm a terrible person...

Anyways, back to the aquarium. Do you think you can figure out what gallon size it is?

Oh, and one more thing: I know that making mistakes isn't supposed to be fun, but a learning experience. And that was my point! I love learning things on my own, instead of from more experienced fishkeepers. I learn better experiencing things than being told about it.

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Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
don't be so hard on urself. i know i have rubbed several people on here the wrong way and others have rubbed me the wrong way. and i'm not going to hold it against u. i'm here to help people as much as i can and maybe help with ideas. but i also don't want to see people make the same mistakes that i or others have made. thats y sometimes i tend to get a bit overbearing. for that i apologise. and obviously noone on here can tell u what to do or force u to do anything. u are ur own person and can do as u please. we just strongly recommend things to try and help prevent mistakes. i wish u luck with breeding these mollies and hope u can keep them healthy. i realy do. but i still strongly suggest a larger tank then a 5 or 10 gallon.


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2012
Walla Walla Washington
Thanks! I know that everyone on here is here to help, but it can be hard to accept certain things without replying in a way that hurts or annoys people.

I'm sorry if I replied to anyone in a way that seemed a little harsh, I'll try to accept whatever you say as a suggestion, not an order.