Brine Shrimp Experiment


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2010
Midway, GA
So, I have a ten gal. ER tank that is home to one mangrove, a piece of live rock that holds down a nice air pump, has a normal filter on the back, live sand and snails. About twenty or so. Well, I got an idea to get brine shrimp and try to hatch them. Six bucks, right? Why wouldn't they hatch in a ten gal. with adequate air/water flow? So I pour in a teaspoon of the brine eggs and their happily floating around. I read online that they need a dark area so I covered what I had originally left open one side of the tank. I really wanted this project to a) make good food for my fishes and b) Let my son who's 4, in on the food prep. So, any suggestions? Am I messing anything up? Did I just totally kill my ER tank? It does really well, I mean no brown algae whatsoever, water quality is great. Will my snails eat my shrimp? :eek: Thoughts or suggestions are much appreciated and I'll let you all know how this goes. *PEACE!*