Brine Shrimp



I manage to hatch the shrimp but how do I grow them bigger? What do I feed them?

Oct 22, 2002
 Brine shrimp require foods that are between 3 and 50 microns. They cannot utilize liquid diets as the filter-feeding brine shrimp cannot drink  their food. Their natural food is micro-algae or phytoplankton. A powdered spirulina algae from your local pet or health food store works fine. Flake food, such as spirulina flake, makes for an excellent and inexpensive food but must be ground into a fine powder.Also Live phytoplankton, spirulina algae powder, brewers yeast, torula yeast, soybean powder, rice bran, and other grain products sifted below 50 microns
Feed very sparingly and often, as the uneaten food will foul the water and create more work in doing water exchanges
- I did not type all of this im to lazy but this is what i do for mine ;D