brought in another stray

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
Just wanted to say hello to everyone. You are all very well informed and informing on issues with tanks. I have only been here two days but already a wealth of information is out there. So here i am 27 years old living in california. I server in military under united states marine corps. I am married with no children (Except the fish), Planning a family is in progress so with luck i may have more than fish as children. I enjoy playing online games and watching my fish tank when getting home from work or ending a day. I am new to the fish tank stuff but seem to be managing well now that i have a knowledge base to work off of. I am attempting to creat the fish tank from my childhood i think as the fish i have now are same species that i had when growing up. I will be posting pics as soon as i can get my loaches to do their tricks. My favorite is watching my four inch weather loach zip around the tank and swim into the seashell thing and stick his head out like peekaboo Well look forward to talking to you all and will help where i can.*celebrate

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
only reason i don't do MMOs are because i have not been guided into them like with FPS my buddy got me hooked. MMOs just never felt the same after red alert 2 and warcraft 1 for me. When they went 3d with stories and interacting with everone online i got confused and went shooting if you guys get bored or have xfire look me up grumpymarine. I am always on and ready for a game usually any day.

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
i can tell that.... nothing wrong with it though... oh did you know that the marines invited ronald reagan to be a marine when he was younger. But he had to decline due to his personal goals. I will try and get a copy of the letter her wrote to the marine corps on it.

I would LOVE to see that letter when ya find it. My son is going thru the Crucible this week, starting tomorrow at 0300. I know he is not just quite a Marine YET... BUT, in my heart he is. He is a SDMCRD, 3rd BTN, Mike Co.
OK .... I am going to brag abit.....He scored 242 ( high shooter). He told me that he can shoot the ( you know whats) off a mosquito a half mile away.

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
cinlnk said:
I would LOVE to see that letter when ya find it. My son is going thru the Crucible this week, starting tomorrow at 0300. I know he is not just quite a Marine YET... BUT, in my heart he is. He is a SDMCRD, 3rd BTN, Mike Co.
OK .... I am going to brag abit.....He scored 242 ( high shooter). He told me that he can shoot the ( you know whats) off a mosquito a half mile away.

That is the same company i graduated from 8 years ago. Best company on the base in my eyes... If he has made it this far i am sure he can survive what lays ahead, the biggest part is hype, i lived through it one task at a time and the recruits he is around will motivate him even more. When you see him next tell him congrats from a fellow marine he don't i will search for letter tonight i am on duty and had rough day yesterday.