Brown Slime!!!!!!!!!!??????????


New Fish
Jan 13, 2005
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I have a 10 gallon tank that is about 6 months old. I have 1 Pleco, 1 Cory Cat, 1 Black Shark, 1 Painted Tetra, 1 Balloon Molly, 1 Guppy, 1 Albino Clawed Frog, and 1 Ghost Shrimp. About every 2 weeks, my gravel and my plants get this brown film over them. I was thinking algae, but the water will stay clear for several days after the film appears. I have the light on for about 10 hours a day. It has to be with my schedule, it's that or nothing at all. It has gotten so bad that I even commited the cardinal sin and did a couple of 100% water changes! Help!! I will be happy to provide additional info, if needed. Oh by the way, my daughter has a 2.5 gal and the same thing is happening with hers. Could it be my tap water??? *twirlysmi :confused:

Nov 27, 2004
New Orleans
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i agree with too many fish in that tank, and fish that dont make sense for a 10g. your pleco, if it is a common one, will easily outgrow that tank. your cory likes the company of other cories. pretty sure that the clawed frog will try and eat your fish. if i were you id really look at the stock of your tank, then research the fish you have and you will see that you need to work on that. the same thing for your 2.5g. brown algae is the least of your worries, take care of the fish first.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Its probably brown algae...which oto's love (otocinclus). Unfortunately I agree with the other posters, that you have too many fish and the combination of fish sounds like the potential for troubles as they get larger, so I couldn't reccomend getting another fish. For now, scraping it off when you're doing water changes is probably the best bet...but if you decide to rethink your stocking and/or get a larger tank I would definitely reccomend an otto. My tanks dont get much light (as I have no plants and the fish really dont need the light) so I have problems with brown algae in tanks that I dont have ottos in.