Brown spots on live and artificial plants


Small Fish
Jul 16, 2003
I have just noticed brown spots all over my artificial leaves and one live plant. I also have it on top of an ornament. It look like rust. Is this some type of algae? I also just found out that I was sold terrarium plants instead of aquatic and have since removed them. I have an Amazon Sword (it looks fine) but I have one other plant that I have no clue what it is. This is also the one that has the brown spots all over the leaves. Could this one be a terrarium too? I have a feeling it is because the leaves are slowly dying. It also has black hairy stuff at the end of the leaves. Should I just remove this plant and will this take care of the problem? How do I get the brown spots off of the artificial leaves? Oh, I have a 29 gal tank that is still cycing (I think). Any advise I would appreciate! :)

tetra girl

Large Fish
Apr 30, 2003
New Zealand
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the black hairy stuff sounds like it might be duck weed (May be called something else where you are). If it is then remove the plant because once it takes hold it can be extremly difficult to near impossible to remove. The brown spots sound like algae. one way to remove them from the artifical plant is to soak it in gin. Why this works i have no idea. Another option would be to bleach it (19:1). Of course you could always just try srcbbing it.