Brown Spots


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Well. Welcome to the world of brown algae. I have a lot of them. They start with brown spots then the spread like crazy. They Grow faster with low light. Increase the light. Or you could just rub them off. Or even get an SAE. They love brown algae.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Well then i guess there is only one way. Just start rubbing them off. You should see my tank. All the rocks and plants in my tank are Brown from the top. I added an SAE in the tank. He has been doing his job but its a 55 gallon tank and there is a lot of brown Algae. When you do a water change just scrub it off. I am already so tired of the algae that I have just left it. Although rub it off from the glass.


Superstar Fish
Aug 26, 2006
Thule, Greenland
I have the brown Algea also. I was going to black out the tank to get rid of it. probably have only 2 hrs of light a day. Will that work? I really dont feel like scrubing it off. I also just added some wisteria I know it is a fast growning plant so will that take the extra nutrients from the alge and starve it?



Aug 4, 2006
How many watts of light are over your tank and what type (compact fluorescent, reg. fluorescent, incandescent....)? How long do you leave your lights on for?

Algae appears for various reasons, normally its a nutrient imbalance, but diatom algae can be caused by too little light, and other things.

If its brown diatom algae, it is common in newer tanks. Is your tank new?

How often do you feed?

I am battling brown diatoms in my new cichlid tank. Its very new though (about 3 weeks). I am making sure I do 50% weekly water changes, wipe off the glass, and feed every other day. It has slowed down the growth alot by doing this. If it's diatoms, it should go away on its own eventually.

I agree that you are stocked and I wouldn't add anymore fish to the tank. Just be sure to scrub it off the glass if it bothers you. Keep up with maintenance and it will hopefully go away. :)

Aug 4, 2006
I have 15 watt flourescent bulbs(regular) and this tankhas been setup for about a month but everythingin it was from a cycled tank.
With 15 watts of light, I don't think that is the problem. Usually diatoms from lighting problems are with very low around .5 watts per gallon.

Even though the tank was setup from a cycled tank, its still new. I moved an established filter over to my new tank and it still has brown diatoms.

I'd just do regular water changes and wipe the glass off when you change the water. It should go away in time.

Do you have any plants in the tank? If not, you could put in some low light plants such as Anacharis and Wisteria (should do ok). Plants usually help with algae, even if its in a new tank. In my planted tanks the diatom algae didn't last as long because I started adding fast growing plants.

How often do you feed? I'd cut it to once a day, if you are feeding more than that. Try not to overfeed, as that can also feed the algae and make it worse.