Bubble nest?


Large Fish
Aug 3, 2007
New York
I'm new to the whole world of Bettas...I've only had him for about a month...my friend moved across country and couldn't take him with her, so she gave him to me. She figured what's one more fish...LOL!

But anyway, what makes him build a bubble nest? Is it something he will do often? I also read that they like tankmates...but can you put him with fancy guppies? Or will the long tails on the guppies make him mad? He's pretty happy in his bowl in the kitchen...he likes when we come in the room...he shows off and swims around...he's got quite the personality!


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Most bettas won't put up with male fancy guppies... to similar (long colorful tail and such).

He'll build a bubble nest when he's in a good mood... usually a good water change will do it. Although, I've also found that they occasionally like to do one right before a water change to make you feel bad for ruining it. He'll make probably one a week, I think they do it a little less as they get old though. Depends on the betta though, some are very lazy and some are born builders.


Large Fish
Aug 3, 2007
New York
Leave him where he is if hes happy..and I think they build bubble nests when theyre happy and feel like showing off to you..
Yeah, I like to think he's happy...he comes over every time I go near the bowl and shows off his fins shaking them around, blowing bubbles and flaring at me...he puts on quite the show!

May 1, 2007
Well, first off bettas should NEVER be kept in a tank smaller than 3 gallons. They also need a filter. Sometimes a heater if you keep you house cold. They are tropcal fish temperature wise and should never be kept at any lower than 75 degrees fahrenheit. Remember in Asia where they originate from in the winter time it never really gets colder than mid 70's. And yes they like tankmates. They will get along with just about any fish without long finns. I wouldn't risk them with long tailed guppies though. Short finned maybe, but not long finned. As for bubble nest building they do it for a few reasons. One, if they are bored. Two, if they are lonely. Three, if they are breeding. Then he uses the nest keep eggs and fry afloat for those first few crucial days. I want you to please for the sake of your betta read this page. It's not long, but the information will help you out.
