buddy for my female Betta


Large Fish
May 10, 2004
not any bottom feeders. when i had a batta, i aslo kept it in a 5g tank. Then one day i sw this really cute bottom feeder, when i woke up the next morning the bottom feeder was dead and part of his fins had been chewed, but ur betta could be well tempered, so i guess it all depends.

Feb 22, 2003
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I was thinking of frogs now for some info on them first....how many would be a good # to go in a 5g with her and what do they eat and how hard is it to care for them...if someone could give my a few basics I will do some more research before getting any...I want to make sure they will survive before I try adding any.....any info will be appreciated

Mere Air

Small Fish
May 16, 2004
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I have a female Betta and female African Dwarf Frog (ADF) that live together in a 10-gallon tank with sand substrate. Each ADF requires at least 2 gallons, so you probably won't want to keep more than one with your Betta in a 5-gallon tank.

Like Bettas, ADFs thrive on Bloodworms, frozen or live. But, they are very slow to find their food. I feed the Betta first. Then I feed the ADF with an eyedropper. Sometimes she even holds it with her front flippers like a baby bottle.

ADFs also like things they can hide under. I added a small, upside down, clay-pot saucer, with an opening cut in the side. There's also a piece of driftwood she can crawl under.

The ADF is very active and very sweet. She greets me with bubble kisses every morning.

Feb 22, 2003
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So I have curently decided against getting a froggy friend for my female betta because I feel 5g is not suffice for the proper movement area or hiding area for the 2 of them...I know a lot of people have it but I just wouldn't feel right limiting their space like that...But I do have a 25g that is empty that I may put a few froggies in...still in the midst of deciding that...thanks guys for the suggestions on a buddy for her but I think she's better off alone, she has the cats who hang out with her and speak jiberish to her and she hangs out with me when I do dishes or cook cause she's on my counter....