Building a 38 gal tank.


Small Fish
May 16, 2004
New York
Ok I need help I am about to start my 38 gal tank and I am going to try and fishless cycle it. I may throw a few goldfish in but I am not sure my friend owns a fish shop and it is feeder fish so I would use them with Bio Spira and then bring them back. Well anyway to the point.

I want to make a tank with cichlids, but from what I understand they mostly stay in the middle of the tank. so I ould like to know what fish go well with them and would go on the top and bottom of the tank. Also what plants would be good to add and when. I really want a REALLY nice tank and I had a 33 before and did alright with them but no real plants or anything like that.

Mar 17, 2004
Visit site
well alot of cichlids like to dig up your substrate and eat plants.

Umm in a 38 gallon tank, you could try some mid-sized or smaller African Cichlids or you could try some Dwarf cichlids from South America. One fish I would strongly reccomend is a keyhole cichlid(3 minimum, they like their own company), they are VERY peaceful, very hardy and what they lack in colour they make up for in personality. These guys are not picky at all, of what they eat!!!!, they only get around 4 inches. A varied diet is obviously the best, but it's all a matter of your own opinion I guess.


Small Fish
May 16, 2004
New York
ok what are good things to feed them. Last time I had Cichlids I feed them these little brown pellets forget the name of them. but like io said i am new to this. I put in fake plants so that they have places to hid if they get nervous. Also I got a new filter a Pengiun 170 I just really hope this tank is the size I was told it is a friend gave it to me for free.