Hi guys
I've had a lot of experience with freshwater aquariums along with three long years working at a pet store which sold fresh and salt water fish, after a lot of consideration (and a bit of saving) I am taking the leap into my first Marine Nano tank. I've read the (wonderful) guide here as well as a few others I've been able to dig up.
As of now I have a 5 Gallon tank, hexagon, more tall than wide, with five pounds of live sand and about 4 pounds of live rock. (pretty stuff too, lots of reds and purples!) I have a hood filter with a bio wheel which I have no filter in, just use it for the bio wheel and to move the water, an air stone/pump, a nano protein skimmer and a small heater. The salt levels are stabilized and I've got some nice currents going, even if they're not entirely haphazard as many seem to suggest doing.
I've only had the tank cycling for a few days now, so I know that the fishes are still a good ways off, but I wanted some opinions.
As it's such a small tank, my ultimate goal was only one small fish and a starfish. I'd really like a Chocolate Chip Starfish (not going to be adding any corals!) and have been looking at adding a Damsel as they are pretty attractive. The guy at the LFS recently tried to convince me that I could do, instead of a Damsel, two Clownfish or a Damsel/Clownfish and a Dragonet.
This immediately set off some warning bells in my head, as five gallons seems far too small for two fully grown Clownfish (thinking ahead, obviously), I am also a bit concerned about problems between a Dragonet and a Star, not to mention a Dragonet and a territorial Damsel.
So that leaves me with a few questions for you all to impart your wisdom on me!
1) Anything my tank is desperately missing?
2) I, personally, feel as if one fish and a starfish might be pushing it, is this correct or could I possibly place a Dragonet into the tank (after it is fully cycled)?
3) If the answer to 2 is yes, is there a serious compatibility risk involved in the various species?
4) since my tank is more tall than wide, would this be a problem for the Dragonet, as there is limited floorspace?
I've tried to use charts to check out compatibility between these, Damsels seem to be a bit iffy with Dragonets, but I could not find any charts to tell me if there would be issues between any of these species and the starfish.
Thank you all for any and all help
I've had a lot of experience with freshwater aquariums along with three long years working at a pet store which sold fresh and salt water fish, after a lot of consideration (and a bit of saving) I am taking the leap into my first Marine Nano tank. I've read the (wonderful) guide here as well as a few others I've been able to dig up.
As of now I have a 5 Gallon tank, hexagon, more tall than wide, with five pounds of live sand and about 4 pounds of live rock. (pretty stuff too, lots of reds and purples!) I have a hood filter with a bio wheel which I have no filter in, just use it for the bio wheel and to move the water, an air stone/pump, a nano protein skimmer and a small heater. The salt levels are stabilized and I've got some nice currents going, even if they're not entirely haphazard as many seem to suggest doing.
I've only had the tank cycling for a few days now, so I know that the fishes are still a good ways off, but I wanted some opinions.
As it's such a small tank, my ultimate goal was only one small fish and a starfish. I'd really like a Chocolate Chip Starfish (not going to be adding any corals!) and have been looking at adding a Damsel as they are pretty attractive. The guy at the LFS recently tried to convince me that I could do, instead of a Damsel, two Clownfish or a Damsel/Clownfish and a Dragonet.
This immediately set off some warning bells in my head, as five gallons seems far too small for two fully grown Clownfish (thinking ahead, obviously), I am also a bit concerned about problems between a Dragonet and a Star, not to mention a Dragonet and a territorial Damsel.
So that leaves me with a few questions for you all to impart your wisdom on me!
1) Anything my tank is desperately missing?
2) I, personally, feel as if one fish and a starfish might be pushing it, is this correct or could I possibly place a Dragonet into the tank (after it is fully cycled)?
3) If the answer to 2 is yes, is there a serious compatibility risk involved in the various species?
4) since my tank is more tall than wide, would this be a problem for the Dragonet, as there is limited floorspace?
I've tried to use charts to check out compatibility between these, Damsels seem to be a bit iffy with Dragonets, but I could not find any charts to tell me if there would be issues between any of these species and the starfish.
Thank you all for any and all help