building a small saltwater tank

Jul 28, 2011
Loxahatchee, FL
So i have decided to turn my small 10g fresh water tank into a small fish only saltwater tank im just wondering what exactly i need? everything i found on the internet is for 55 gallon and above and not just fish only, i have the tank, hood with lights, heater, aqueon power filter 10. I know i would need to get aquarium salt and the device to test salt level ( cant think of name off hand ) and the fish of course, what else would i need? do i need to get a new substrate other than the black gravel i have now or no?



Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
you need to decide what kind of fish you want and what kind of tank.

with a 10g plan for one fish...two may push it.

with that size, you should really look into corals which you would want live rock for. if you do want corals, will you want mushrooms and polyps or hard corals? then lighting would come into question.

lots of research ahead of you :) i started with a 12g and now have a 55g and 40g...satwater is addictive for sure. but A LOT to learn

Jul 28, 2011
Loxahatchee, FL
well yes i would only want 2 small clown fish or 1 is fine, i read that i should take the filter out of the one i have now and just use it for water circulation purposes along with a power head because the filter will create to much nitrate, i kinda wanted to just stick with a fish only and live rock tank because i dont want to get into lighting with coral, would i need a protein skimmer or is that really only for bigger tanks?