building canopy!


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
well seeing as how my first of 3- 250w mh's is on the way i guess now its time to look into building the canopy.... im totally unsure on the dimensions but from what i remeber hearing the light should be about 8" from the top of the water... my tank dimesions are 72" x 18" but how tall should it be??? also if anyone has any tips or links they could hook me up with that would be cool
i only have one on the way so far but ill be ordering another one soon and finally a third in the near future aswell

btw this is the one i got for only $100 with a 20k buld

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Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
Height is kind of up to you, but you will definitely want to make it tall enough that your bulb is a good 6-8" above the water. You might want to head out to the LFS and check out their canopies; you should be able to get a feel for how tall you want it.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
im guna be goin to pick up the wood and get started in the next few days.. i guess my question is should i leave the back of the canopy open so it doesnt heat up? or seal it off so no light escapes?? also on the height would 12-13" be ok?? if anyone has any pics of canopies they built them selves that would be great too


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
i would leave a few spots open for you return lines and cords from the Powerheads to come out so they arn't being pinched under the canopy.. that seems a little high IMO i would say like 8-10" would be enough


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
the reason i say 12-13-" high is cause i want the bulb about 8" off the water... i hate the way a really tall canopy looks but i also dont wanna come home to a burnd down house*crazysmil


Large Fish
Dec 3, 2006
Arizona USA
Well, you've seen my diary so no need to post pics again, but I did want you to know my bulbs are 13" from the water. Some may say that's to high, but that's why I went with 250W instead of 150W. Plus, there is plenty of room for the fans to blow air around to keep things cool, and I still have plenty of room to work and dont' run the risk of splashing my bulbs. Oh, I also live in AZ, over 100 outside and I do NOT have a chiller. *thumbsups


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
I am actually toying with the idea of building a topless canopy. My tank will be tall enough that anyone under 6' 6" will have no way to see in from above and I think it will really help with cooling. I am not sure how that would go and it would, theoretically, allow light out...but no more than running my tank with no canopy...

Might be worth thinking about...though I have never seen it done so I am going to guinea pig it


Large Fish
Dec 3, 2006
Arizona USA
I am actually toying with the idea of building a topless canopy. My tank will be tall enough that anyone under 6' 6" will have no way to see in from above and I think it will really help with cooling. I am not sure how that would go and it would, theoretically, allow light out...but no more than running my tank with no canopy...

Might be worth thinking about...though I have never seen it done so I am going to guinea pig it

Tall canopies are usually topless, as mine is. I do not have an open back but because the top is open it does help keep things cool and the fans can blow the heat up and out. I do not lose much light at all because I have the Mini-Luminarc reflectors. *thumbsups (My entire set up is 6.5' tall.)