Bumble Bee Gobys


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Can anyone tell me about these fish? Like, how big do they get? Are they aggressive? What do they eat? What is your opinion on them? I don't have any, but I saw the Petco carries them the other day and I wanted to know about them incase I wanted to add them to my tank someday if possible.

Bumblebee Goby (Brachygobius xanthozonus)
Common Name: Bumblebee Goby. Other Name: Gold-banded Goby. Scientific Name: Brachygobius xanthozonus. Family: Gobiidae. Distribution: Java, Sumatra and Borneo, Size: 1.75 inches.
403 Forbidden...

Bumblebee Goby , Bumblebee fish
Western Indoneasia, Thailand, South Vietnam. Mostly in estuaries.
General Body Form: ...
Bumblebee Goby Profile, with care, maintenance requirements and breeding information for your tropical fish

Bumblebee Goby: Effective Maintenance and Breeding, and Raising of Fry
John A. Lednicky, Ph.D.
Introduction ...
Fish breeding, fish keeping articles...

Bumblebee Goby
Veterinary & Aquatic Services Department, Drs. Foster & Smith, Inc.
The Bumblebee Goby is a small, relatively peaceful fish that does not tolerate intrusion into its territory.

Bumblebee Goby (Brachygobius xanthozona)
Common name: Bumblebee Goby
Scientific name: Brachygobius xanthozona (Brachygobius doriae is also commonly available, there are 9 known species in total) ...

Bumblebee Goby
Brachygobius xanthozona
Also Known As:
Doria's Bumblebee Goby, Golden-banded Goby
Gobius doriae, Brachygobius doriae ...
FishInThe.net :: Fish Guide...

Name: Bumblebee Goby
Scientific Name: Brachygobius xanthozona
Temperature: 77-86F
Max Size: 2 Inches
These gobies are carnivorous. Feed them small aquatic invertebrates, live or frozen...can be coaxed to take flake food sometimes.

- The Bumblebee Goby is one of the smallest freshwater fish in the world.
- Bumblebee Gobies have fused pelvic fins that act like suction cups, allowing them to cling to rocks and other solid surfaces.

Doria's Bumblebee Goby, Golden-banded Goby [ Pictures ]
Brachygobius doriae
SYN : Gobiusdoriae
PD : A small, squat species that has a laterally compressed rear region. There are two dorsal fins and the caudalfin edge is rounded.
Others - Gobiidae

It has one lamprologus brichardi, 4 neolamprlogus brevis, 2 small cory cats, 1 bumblebee goby, and 1 kuhli loach. Substrate is sand in this one, unlike the gravel in the other two tanks.

And finally, the diminutive bumblebee goby is remarkably adept at nibbling the tails off other small, slow-moving fish.
Beware the Little Nippers

hope i helped out

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