Theres 2 bumblebee cats I know of. The Leiocaccis siamensis and the Pseudopimelodus raninus raninus. siamensis grows to 5 1/2 in, has 4 pairs of barbels, eyes set well forward, fleshy adipose fin, pale bars mark the body, and a dark bar in each caudal lobe. It comes from the family Bagridae. It is omnivorous, hangs low, and is peaceful, but it may eat smaller fishes.
The other is ugly IMO, but it has a dark edge on a pale caudal fin, white markings on dark dorsal fin, light and dark striped barbels, and grows to 5 in. It comes from the famliy Pimelodae, is carnivorous, so don't keep with smaller fishes. Do one of these sound like yours?*GOLDFISH*