Bumblebee cichlid alone? or bring new friends?

Oct 22, 2002
I am somewhat new to this. I just have a question and I am looking for suggestions.

I have one very aggressive African bumblebee cichlid that is currently alone in a 6 gallon tank. He has grown rapidly since I inherited him after he killed another bumblebee in the same tank. I realize now this was because there wasn't enough room for him.

Is he ok in this size tank since he is alone? Will he grow more and not be stressed in this tank?

If he won't be ok in this tank, I could get a new one, but probably no bigger than 40 gallons due to my home size though. How many other cichlids should I get? How do I know he won't go wild and kill any of the others if I get new ones?

He is NOT OK in that tank. You need at least that 40g.

Set the 40g up, fishless cycle it with AMMONIA (there are good articles here about that) and add the crabro along with about 4-8 other mbunas after the cycle is done.

Lots of rockwork will help in the new tank too. These guys are territorial and aggressive, and need to stake out territories. Check my signature to see just one idea of a Malawi tank.