Ah okay, got my other book. Bublebee gobies as according to -Simon & Schuster's Guide to Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Fishes-:
Bumblebee Gobie Brachygobius xanthozona Family Gobiidae
Distribution: Rivers and estuaries in Sumatra, Java, and Borneo
We'll skip the description
Environment: Temperature: 75F-86F; pH: High, acid and normal fresh water lead to illness; Water hardness: the addition of 1 to 2 spoonfuls of sea salt or cooking salt to every 2 gallons of water is highly recommended (remember the plants); Illumination and substrate: lighting should be softened by floating plants or large single plants attached to the bottom. Provide a dark bottom.
Feeding: Small live foods only
Biology: Behavior: generally a bottom fish, it is also given to clinging to plants by means of its pelvic fins, either in the normal position or upside down; BSocial life and compatibility: strong territorial sense; fishes often live in one place, which they leave only to feed or when disturbed. Difficult to keep with other fishes.
Okay, goes to show you must always have more than one refferance on hand at any one time
One book I have only had bumblebee gobies, the other only bumblebee cats, two different animals...Okay..but this is the one for the goby.