Bummed out...help me!


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Okay i think my fish r bummed out...Is my tank is to over crowded...i have a 9 inch oscar, 5 inch green terror, and a 7 or 8 inch pleco in a 75 gallon tank. They seem like they always want to get out of the tank by swimming up and down the sides of the tank( well mostly just the oscar)...is it to over crowded?! I love my fish but if i have to give one away to make the others happier then i guess i will have to do so( except i will never give away my oscar..he's my baby...haha) HELP!


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
no they arent flaring but it just like.....i wouldnt want to be in a rectangular box..and i dont think they do either....like they swim and kind of bump slightly into the wall...as if wishing they could go farther...i should have never seen finding nemo!!!!!...it made me feel sooooo bad!!!!!


Medium Fish
Aug 14, 2003
Hm, your tank doesn't sound crowded to me at all. My fish tend to swim up and down the sides a lot too. Dunno why...

Heh, actually, Finding Nemo made me want to keep fish. ^_^;; Two months after seeing it, I finally convinced my parents to allow me to set up our 10 G and get some fish. Now they need convincing that I'm serious about the hobby before they let me buy the 44 G that I wanted to get in the first place and use the 10 G for a fry tank. ~_~


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
nope, not overcrowded so long as your aggression levels are farily low...

have you thought about adding more decor? or maybe rearranging the decor you already have? sometimes this can relieve some of the boredom your fish might have.

also, what is your tank temp?

Sep 27, 2003
DePere, Wisconsin
Visit site
Your tank isn't overcrowed.

Oscars are an active fish, and if he is only 9 inches right now he is most likely still somewhat young which would make him a little more energetic. Don't get all freaked out because he is "pacing" his tank.

My suggestion would be to put some more plants in there, and rocks. Also, a good thing to occupy an oscar is one of those decorative air pumps. The ones that you hook your air hose into and it moves.. like a treasure chest, or something like that. A motion like that in the tank will give his something to look at.

One more thing to check on would be to make sure that your tank is getting enough oygen. Be sure that you have an adequate sized air pump. A low oygen amount will make a fish a little "overexcited" becuase he want to find a place with suffient oygen.