Bushy Nose Pleco


Medium Fish
Sep 24, 2010
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
Hey guys I jest got my bushy nose pleco today and man he put up a fight at the LFS punctured 3 bags lol. I had to take him home in a bucket. I did a lot of research on this fish before I ordered one in. I was also told that these are one of the best algae eaters. So im jest wondering what thoughts you guys have on the bushy nose pleco?


Large Fish
Dec 14, 2009
They are great fish, i have an old one myself, and by old i mean i had him for 5 years! I know what you mean when you say he put up a fight, Mine has ruined nets before, making a struggle!They love the usual greens, Cucumber and what not.. They love driftwood and prefer aquariums that dont have a 'large' gravel substrate. Sand and grainy substrates are the best for them to rummage through with damaging their bristles.

I had mine in the planted tank for ages and then one night he went on arampage through the tank and destroyed everything! all the lillys has holes in and my amazon swords were torn to shreads.

they are peaceful with other fish so perfect for the community aquarium and the dont grow to the monsterous sizes the common plecs do.

overall a nice,easy,and friendly fish!


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
YEAH I love em!!!!! (see my stocking below, Im HUGE on plecos!)

I would do 1/4 of a medium zuccini once a week in addition to whatever store bought food you are feeding him. I might actually do an 1/8 every 2 times a week.

I like to feed mine in the morning mostly because i like to see my fish and if you feed them at night they are less likely to come out during the day.

They are pretty good workers although you will still need to plan to clean algae. They will help but won't do it all.

They are fun, pretty brave, and really easy to keep. :)


Medium Fish
Sep 24, 2010
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
Yea I hope mine stays calm because I don’t want him to destroy my plants. He is big 5" so I really hope he stays relaxed. Yea no worry’s about salt I don’t have any added in my tank and I don’t plan on using it. So how do u go about giving them zucchini do u cut some up and freeze it then feed him ??? What other food should I feed him??


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
your chineese algae eaters will like it too :)

did your stock list change? I swear you had a brackish 10gal and a 5 gal listed.... maybe im nuts it's been a long day....

I just cut it (for my tanks i use 2 whole every time i feed) but for your guys I just cut it and tie it to a rock/broken piece of teracotta pot/slate/something else that sinks with a plain rubber band. The plec will do the rest. No freezing. I do skin side up, my plecs seem to love the skin. You can also do potatos (NOT SWEET they are toxic) or other veggies. mostly zuccini and potatos, they don't usually like potato skins. 24 hours is the time limit so do some tests, whatever gets eaten in 24 hours is the amt you should give. (I'd guess 1/2 of 1/4 cut long ways then short ways then halfed would be gone in just a few hours) It's a fun way to get him to come out and visit during day time. Also always feed him in the same spot. your snails will also like the treat. Mine get spinich sometimes too :) or letice (brocoli and pepers are also popular but broccoli is messy and peppers cost too much)


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Mine becomes a terror at feeding time. He'll claim a shrimp pellet or two and won't let anyone near him or eat. I've seen him flare at and try to spike my 5" featherfin catfish for getting a little too close to him at feeding time (my pleco is only about 3-3.5"). He doesn't bother my plants at all and I have a lot of broad-leafed plants in my 55gal (swords, anubias, java fern, etc).