But I know that you're there

Hey fellow fish dudes and dudets. I've been keeping fish for at least 6 years. I've got a 55 gallon semi agressive fish aquarium and a 10 gallon betta tank. I love all kinds of animals, and some people say I'm trying to beat out Noah ;)

If you're wondering what the heck my screen name is *pictures people squinting* :p it's the scientific name for the Jaguar. I will be going to Oregon State University to major in Zoology eventually. I love photography, I've won a few awards with some of my pictures, especially my landscape shots. I do some computer graphics and am alright with that kind of stuff. I like the outdoors a lot and enjoy Hiking, Camping, Mountain Biking and such. I'm a athletic person as you probably already guessed. I love music, especially Christian rock and Oldies. I'm the drummer of my band Eternal Truth. Ok, I think I've said enough *laughingc

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Welcome, nice....a drummer, photographer, and fish/animal lover....we got a lot in common. :)

I'd like to see some of your pictures sometime if you have them on the computer. I love landscape and nature shots. I don't do mych set drumming anymore, i moved away from that when i was marching drums for my High School 4 years in a row. Been playing for 7 in all.