Buying a mature setup


New Fish
Sep 1, 2010
Hello there I have read a number of threads on here and have been considering for quite some time of moving from freshwater fish to a reef set up. I'm quite interested in setting my own tank up but have seen a nice 5ft and 6ft set up on eBay. I was wondering how much of the existing water I would need to transport back with me for such a large tank. I know it would be a very stressful move for the fish and anything else living in the take. Could it all survive on a major water change. The plus side is I can get a fairly large tank for a fraction of the price one has a home made sump with it aswell so would save alot of time effort and money setting it all up myself.
Just wondered what everones thoughts were on this issue before attempting such a big move!!!


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
Id try and save like half the old water... How far is the drive? Get a bunch of 5g buckets from home depot for like 3 bucks or something to transport fish, water, rocks, ect...


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I agree as much as 1/2 if you can. 5gallong jugs work with buckets and lids for rock etc with water to cover them. Hopefully it isn't a long drive. You will want to make sure you don't disturb the sand bed very much or better yet replace it if you can. get all the snails out of it and save about 3 or 4 cups to innoculate the new bed with once you get it set up. The system will go through a mini cycle and you need to be prepared to do water changes to reduce any ammonia spikes....