I've just recently switched to mainly Ebo Jagers after some issues with Visa Therm stealths. The stealths have been pretty good but lately i've had problems of them stop working after a very short time, being pretty inconsistent, and even rarely not working out of the box.
The Ebo Jagers are really nice, they have a light on them so you can tell they are on, and their suction cup holder clip thing is 10 times better then the stealth heater's. Easy to clean and pop on and off of the glass, much more then my stealths.
The stealths look good, especially full submerged, but again my have been unreliable for the most part. Sometimes i've found my stealths don't work anymore fully submerged, but when i turn them upright they work. Then the next day they don't work. So i switched to the Ebos and haven't had a problem.
I really like the light on the Ebo Jagers, i can walk by the tank and know its on rather then having to stick my hand in the tank or to the glass.