Lol...awesome news!
No 'fortune-telling' involved though, my friend---I just knew it was classic pairing behavior from what you described in an earlier thread. But I'll still take the credit for it if you want me to.
Congrats on the spawn!
Now it's just a waiting game...and I mean that, literally. You really wanna spend as little time as possible messing around with them---especially during their first spawn together. Taking the pics/video was fine for now, but I'd try to hold off a bit on disturbing them for the next little while.
Leave the eggs in there and let the parents tend to them. By all means check on them from time to time---just don't do what I do and snap off hundreds of pics with the flash on right in their faces (as I did with my convicts, lol).
Hopefully you won't see any white, fungusy eggs (a few is not out of the ordinary though, so don't panic if you see some---the parents should take care of removing them from the batch). Ideally, over the course of a week or so, you should start seeing signs of fry development (if the eggs are fertile, of course) and transformation into 'wigglers' (little tails with yolk-sacs attached to them). Once you get to that stage, it'll take a few more days to get free-swimming fry...
...but let's just take it one step at a time here and not count our eggs before they hatch---literally.
Hopefully I didn't ruin the surprise or spoil the fun for you. I'm sure you already knew most of this stuff anyway---just some things to keep in mind for when you find yourself obsessively running to the tank and checking on them every waking moment of the day...
Good luck, and keep us posted!