BV! Look what I got!


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Look what we brought home today! Just this past Monday, I was in the store just a couple minutes from my home because I had seen a zebra cray there and I was looking for a female. Luckily for me, the zebra actually was a girl, so I now have a male and female zebra cray together waiting to start breeding. But also while I was there taking a peek around, I came across this monster! It's a male Aussie Red Claw, the same species as Ghengis who I had decided I was going to start looking for a boyfriend for. I brought Richard down to the store a couple hours ago to show him this beast, and obviously talked him into buying it.

We quickly converted my 46gal into a cray-proof tank, and split it with a divider for the time being because Ghengis is so much smaller than he is. Including his claws (which are massive) this dude is like 10-11" long, I swear. Ghengis always seemed huge until I saw this guy in the store a few days ago. Goliath just seemed like an appropriate name, lol. Pics aren't the greatest, but he's only been in the tank for like half an hour, so I'll get better ones later.

(those are white clouds that you see in some of the pics with him...helps give you a sense of his size)

Ghengis and Goliath, the intended happy couple

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
This is awesome! *thumbsups
'Goliath' is a fitting name for him. I called my big blue alleni male the same thing too; although he's not even in the ballpark as your Goliath in terms of size. ;)

And yes, make sure the tank is extra cray-proof---when you get into the realm of crays that size, you start running into the real possibility of having tank lids...covers, light-strips and all...lifted up and off of the tank! I'm not kidding either. :eek:

Keeping the divider up at first is probably a good idea.
From what I've read, the quads (a.k.a. 'Australian RedClaws') tend to get along together in the same tank far better than most of the N. American species. It is also my understanding that their offspring can oftentimes survive in the same tank with the parents for quite some time without being bothered. Of course, I've never bred any of the Aussie crays before---never kept more than one either---so I can't make any promises on what'll happen once the divider wall falls down...

Anyway, he looks great! Good luck with them!
As for mine...well...I still have him, but I've got plans to replace him with a different Cherax species. Haven't heard back from my prospective seller in a while, so I can't say anything definitive at the moment. Let's just say it'll be well worth the wait and leave it at that...:rolleyes:



Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
No worries, that tank is Goliath-proofed. The lids have been taped down and have little bags of gravel on them to add extra weight. He seems content at the moment to hang out about 3/4 of the way up the divider, reaching out for Ghengis (who last I checked, was on the far side of her portion ignoring him). I think he wants some crayfish lovin.

I can't believe you're getting rid of yours. Traitor :p


Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
As for mine...well...I still have him, but I've got plans to replace him with a different Cherax species. Haven't heard back from my prospective seller in a while, so I can't say anything definitive at the moment. Let's just say it'll be well worth the wait and leave it at that...:rolleyes:

The suspense is killing me. Whatcha getting, man? Something really crazy?