By george... I think she's got it!


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
Ok, well, it still isn't exactly like Iw as wanting but oh well. this is better than the other way. That is my new betta, btw. He is looking a whole lot better just in the 4 days that I have had him.


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
Thank you, I think his body still looks a bit sickly. He has great finnage though. Not a trace of rot or tears. Which is truly remarkable considering I got him the night before they restocked, so that goes to show how long he had been in the cup. Off hand, I have been wondering.. how long exactly are they normally in those cups, do they get fed while in there, and what happens to the ones that don't get sold? I know a few of you all work in the WM pet dept's so I was hoping someone could tell me. Thanks for the compliments prettypleco!

Sep 8, 2005
From what i have been told by people at fish stores they either sell them or they die in those cups. As far as feeding i believe it is very limited. Yours has beautiful colors. They have great personalities so individual. Hard to resist those bettas.


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
Thank you all very much!! He has gone from the little bowl in the picture to the 10 gallon in the avatar and finally to his own 5.5 gallon!! Iw as reluctant of moving him for a third time (since I've had him) but he seems to be none the worse for it. As a matter of fact he is absolutley thriving in the 5.5g!!! He keeps his fins all spread out now and has starting flaring at the cords from the equiptment through the back of the tank!!!! He has never flared until now. At least none that I have seen and I check on him often. He is absolutely beautiful!!!! I am still hoping that his body will color up a bit more. It already has alot so he may be at his best now. I ahve started feeding him bloodworms every other day with his regular betta pellets on the opposite days. I never put much stock into them acting all that differently with a heater and stuff, but I cannot believe the difference!! Even my husband has commented on his change!! I will eventually be planting his tank. I am going today to try to find some wood from the creek for him. After I get some plants in I will buy a couple of dwarf frogs or something. He is in there with a very small snail at the moment that I don't even think he has noticed yet!! :p The batteries for my camera are charging, will try to get some pics tonight though.

edit... I thought the first pic was of him in the bowl but it isn't, it is another from the 10 gallon. Maybe tonight I can get them all up together to show how much he has colored up in the past couple of weeks.

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